The Meadow - PART I - The Pond

The Meadow - PART I - The Pond

Autumn rolled over. The clock beside her glared at her, the red numbers glaring in her face. It was 3:33.
This was the third night this had happened. Always the same time. Her heart raced, and she took a sip from her glass. She sighed out, calmed by the stillness of her room. She took another deep breath, and watched the clock. Still 3:33. Her hand moved to her chest, rising and falling softly as her heart slowed down. The minute changed.

Standing up, Autumn moved to the window, cracking it slightly. The sweet, crisp country air drifted inwards, soothing her lungs. She moved back to her bed, sprawling out on the soft sheets. The left side of the bed was still cool, as it had been for almost a year now. Her boyfriend had been found dead in the woods, face down in a pond. He and some friends had gone into the deep woods to camp and hunt, but apparently instead he had gotten drunk and drown. Autumn had been unable to move on. Her left hand fell to the cool patch, stroking the silk. She missed him. Especially nights like this. She needed to be held, reassured, loved. Her cheeks flushed as she imagined his arms wrapped around her, holding her to the heat of his body.

Her right hand fell on her lower abdomen, resting on the sheer fabric of her nightie. A burst of the October breeze trailed over her, raising goosebumps on her skin. Her nipples tightened under the material, leaving delicate lines of arousal. She shivered subtly. It had been ages since she had felt this way.
Her right hand moved further along her thigh, her fingers wrapped around the seam of the nightie. She slowly raised it up, enjoying the sheer material against her skin. She trembled again. Her finger moved to the heat between her legs, tracing softly around the skin between her thigh and labia.

Autumn drew in a sharp breath, and trailed her finger up her damp slit. The electricity of it lifted her hips off the mattress, and crashed her back down into it. Her middle finger drew small circles around her clit, teasing the hood up and down. Her left hand grasped into the sheets, its cool silk flowing between her fingers. Her right hand continued to play artist on her clit, drawing pictures of lust and sex. With a final deep inspiration she arched into her hand, cumming hard.

After a few minutes of basking in her endorphins, she moved to close the window again. She looked longingly into the back yard, imagining her boyfriend walking out of the woods. She could hear him saying how he had just gotten lost for a while, that it hadn't been him in the pond. In her heart, she knew differently. Her eyes stayed fixed on the woods. Her heart jumped. There was… nothing. She hadn't really seen anything. She was trying so hard to make herself believe he was there, that she was going to make her eyes deceive her. Autumn shut the frame, and rolled back into her bed. The mystery of the woods finally left her as her post-orgasm chemicals put her peacefully back to sleep.

The next day went by uneventfully, though there had been a slight flutter in her heart when she had looked out into the woods. Living by herself this far from a city seemed stupid to her parents, but Autumn couldn't imagine leaving this place now. She needed the memories around her, the thin hope of finding comfort here. As the evening came and went, she began to settle back into her nightly routine. She held the cup of peppermint tea in her hands as it steeped, and crawled back onto her side of the bed. Within the half hour, she was slipping back into sleep, her half finished tea laying cold on the bedside.

Her eyes flicked open.


Autumn hopped out of the bed and ran to the window. She peered hard, rubbing her eyes in between. Before she could think, she grabbed her pink bunny slippers (a gift from her boyfriend) and ran out into the back yard. The air had been cold, but seemed to lessen as she neared the woods. In delirious effort, she began winding through the trees in a graceful dance. A glow began to grow as she was taken deeper into the woods. She looked at the trees around her. The leaves were no longer the burnt orange of October, but were beginning to grow greener as she went. There was an almost brilliant light ahead. She sped up, ignoring the branches ripping against her nightie. The light grew brighter and brighter until…

…she tripped.

She brought her face up from the grass, and surveyed. She was in a perfectly circular clearing, lush trees making up the perimeter. In the center of the clearing was a pond. She shakily brought herself to her feet. It was bright. There seemed to be no central form of light she could see, but it was almost like it emanated from the pond. She took a few steps forward, and sat into the grass. It was softer than anything she had ever felt. Her fingers ran through it, tasting it's energy from her fingertips. She laid down, touching her legs and arms against the grass, swaying back and forth along it. She reached to discard the rest of her nightie, immersing herself completely into the grass. Her hand moved instinctively to her crotch. Autumn animalistically began stroking herself, not surprised by the flood of wetness already between her legs. She was loving the feeling of her wet vagina… no. Her wet cunt. She arched again as that word hit her. Without an ounce of thought, two fingers dove deeply into her hole. She continued fucking herself until her second orgasm subsided, her fingers slick with her juices. She brought her fingers to her mouth and tasted. It was exactly like honey. She ran her tongue around them, savouring the taste. She wiped the slight drool from the corner of her mouth, and looked up.

Before her stood an androgynous figure. She wasn't startled. If anything, it was beautiful. Shame it had no parts. She felt like she'd let almost anything have her right now.

It spoke softly in a genderless voice.

"Welcome to the meadow, my lady. Few humans set foot here, though I have acted guide to those who have. I am Ri, and I have tended to this meadow for as long as I have existed. The meadow is only found by those who desperately need it. It is the center of your desires. It is the center of your fantasies. The meadow is whatever you want the most. The water of the pond will make it real. One drink will bring all your wants, your needs… your darkest wishes… to life. You may drink the water. You may have as much as you'd like. I will not interfere. I am merely a guide… The rest is your decision."

With the slightest subtlety, the corners of Ri's mouth turned upward. It extended it's hand to Autumn, with a black stone ladle in it's grasp. She accepted it, running her tongue over it's smooth surface. She felt her cunt dripping with excitement as she neared the water. Kneeling beside the shore, she dipped the ladle into the perfectly clear water.

"I want to see my boyfriend. I want to come to him the night before his death. I want to fuck him one last time."

Her cunt gushed.

She brought the ladle to her lips, and drank.

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