Incest Wife Complete_(0)

Incest Wife Complete_(0)

Fisrt time writing so please give your feedback to help know where i went wrong enjoy!!


"Joey!" Angela Banner called from her back door, straining her voice to
overcome the noise of the lawnmower. "Come have a cold drink, darling!
You must be terribly hot!"

"Sure am, Mrs. Banner!" Joey Watson shouted back, cutting off the
engine and running to pick up his shirt where he had thrown it in the

Angela was hot too, but the heat that was bothering her had nothing to
do with the weather. Angela's house was cool and comfortable, but her
pussy was steaming, steaming with lust for the handsome young boy who
was busy mowing her lawn that hot summer day.

Angela was well aware that her desire for young Joey was wicked and
taboo. She knew that a married woman with two sons of her own had no
business dripping with lust for a teenage boy. She knew that what she
was about to do was wrong, but she had struggled with her conscience for
a long time, and her conscience had lost the struggle. She had to have
the boy, and she had to have him now.

Angela had been waiting all week for the opportunity to seduce Joey, and
today was the perfect time. Her husband Mike had taken her two sons Thad
and Randy to the lake for an afternoon of fishing. It had taken her all
week to persuade her husband to take an afternoon off from his insurance
business to spend some time with the boys. Mike didn't seem to care
about anything but his business. He devoted all his time to building the
business, living and breathing insurance. He had succeeded in making his
business the most successful in the area with his total dedication to
work. He had also succeeded in ruining his marriage.

In the happy, early years of their marriage Angela wouldn't have thought
for a moment of seducing a boy, but in the early years of their marriage
she had gotten all the fucking she could handle. Unfortunately, Mike had
lost all interest in sex. He hadn't even been able to raise a hard-on in
more than a year. The man who had once been able to drive her wild with
passion every night now came home after working all day at the office,
worked on his books for a couple of hours and fell off to sleep as soon
as he hit the sheets. Nothing Angela did could kindle a spark in him.

Angela knew that she wasn't to blame for Mike's total lack of interest
in sex. She was still just as beautiful and seductive as she had been
twenty years ago. If anything, she had improved with age. Mike had
chosen to devote himself totally to his work and nothing she could do or
say would change him. Angela didn't want a divorce. Mike was a good
provider, and when he found the time, he could be a good father. As far
as Thad and Randy knew, nothing was wrong at home, although they both
wished they could have more time with their father.

Angela had considered looking to another man for sexual satisfaction,
lout had decided that that was out of the question. In the close-knit
little community of Carterville, any extramarital affair soon became the
subject of vicious gossip. The people of Carterville would be shocked
and enraged to find that their head librarian was having an affair. Her
fellow townspeople might suspect her of having an affair with another
man if she gave them half a chance, but how could they possibly suspect
her of having an affair with a teenage boy? Things like that simply
didn't happen in Carterville.

Angela was a woman of powerful sexual desires. She had always loved
fucking. As a teenager, she had a reputation as a hot fuck. When she had
married Mike and moved to Carterville, however, she had settled down
considerably. Mike had given her all the cock she needed to keep her
happy, but that was all in the past.

She longed now to experience the youthful male vitality that Mike had
thrilled her with in the early years of their marriage. She longed to
have a big hard cock buried in her cunt again She longed to feel a hot
cock pounding in and out of her seething pussy until she came again and
again. She seethed with unfulfilled desire, and she could stand it no
longer. She knew that Joey could provide her with just what she needed
to be happy.

Angela knew that Joey was more than a little surprised to find her
standing in the door wearing only a flimsy negligee and a warm smile.
She knew that the boy could see through the gauzy garment, that he could
see her luscious tits with their hard little nipples. She knew that he
could see the shadow of her soft warm pussy nestled between her lithe
legs. She watched the boy's glittering blue eyes widen and his mouth
fall open as his gaze roved up and down her fine feminine form.

"Well, Joey? Aren't you coming in?" Angela asked with a playful smile.

"Uh... sure... sure, Mrs. Banner," the boy choked, apparently
unable to look her in the eye.

"Is something the matter, Joey?" she asked, putting her hands on her
hips, smoothing the material of her negligee over her silken thighs.

"G-gosh... no... I... I guess not..." the boy rasped.

"Does it bother you that I'm dressed this way, darling? It's so hot
today and this negligee is so light and airy," the hot-assed woman said,
smoothing her garment over her bulging tits and letting the boy see her
pointy nipples.

Joey couldn't believe what was happening to him. He had never seen Mrs.
Banner dressed that way before. She might as well have come to the door
wearing nothing at all. He had always known that she was a beautiful and
sexy woman, but seeing her that way affected him powerfully. He had
never seen a woman that close to naked before, except in pictures, and
Mrs. Banner sure was better than any picture he had ever seen. Standing
there in front of her and watching her move her hands over her nearly
naked body made his legs weak. He didn't know what to do.
"Are you as hot as I am, Joey?"
"Huh?" he gasped.

"I'm sure you are, darling," she said. "Why don't we go into the living
room and have a nice cold drink?"

Joey had been buttoning his shirt up when he had got to the back door.
When he had seen Mrs. Banner standing there like a vision in a wet
dream, his hands had dropped to his sides. Now he somehow managed to
regain control of his fingers enough to finish buttoning his shirt
before he followed her into her living room, but Mrs. Banner had other

" You don't have to button your shirt Joey, she said, taking his hand in
hers. "In fact, why don't you take your shirt off, darling? You didn't
really really need to put it on to come inside. I like to see handsome
young men like you with their shirts off, Joey. I was watching you
mowing the lawn. I just love to watch your muscles move when you work!"

Joey just stood there in shock as Mrs. Banner unbuttoned his shirt for
him. Her hands brushed against his chest. She was so close to him that
he could reach out and touch her if he had the nerve. Her magnificent
tits were right before his eyes. He could see the hard points of her
nipples poking out against the thin material of her negligee. He watched
her tits rise and fall as she breathed. The scent of the perfume she
wore wafted past his nostrils, intoxicating him.

"Such a nice strong chest!" she breathed laying the palm of her hand
over his heart. My goodness, Joey, your heart is beating so fast. Are
you nervous about something?"

I... I guess... " the boy choked, feeling the incredible warmth of
her silken hand soaking into his chest.

Angela stepped up behind the boy and eased his shirt off his strong
young shoulders. She ran her warm hands up and down his sides, thrilling
to the feel of young muscles beneath her fingers. She knew that she was
driving him wild with her boldness, and she knew from the way he was
reacting to her sensual onslaught that he was hers for the taking. She
wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him quickly from behind,
letting her warm tits crush up against his strong young back.

"Shall we have that drink, Joey?" Angela asked, kissing him behind the
ear and sauntering into the living room.

Joey stood frozen in place for a moment or two. He couldn't believe what
she had just done to him. He could still feel her soft warm tits
pressing against his naked back, could still feel-her moist breath
against his cheek. She had to know what she was doing to him. She had to
know that she was making his cock stiffen in his pants. His balls were
getting hotter and hotter by the second.

Joey had never had an experience quite as confusing and exciting as
this. He had no idea how he should react to the incredibly beautiful
woman. She was old enough to be his mother. How could she possibly be
doing such wild things to him? He was afraid that his cock would harden
up and make a big bulge in his pants the way it always did when he got
horny. He couldn't possibly hide a cock as big as his when it got hard.
She was sure to notice the big thing swelling- between his legs. He was
already embarrassed, but if he went into the living room with her,
things would get a lot worse. He almost turned and ran out the back
door, but she beckoned him toward her and he was powerless to resist her

"Are you nervous, darling? Haven't you been entertained by a woman
before? " Angela asked playfully, holding out a glass, which the boy
nervously accepted.

"N-not this way, Mrs. Banner," he rasped.

"I'm surprised to hear that, Joey. You're such a handsome young man!
You're awfully hard to resist. I'm surprised that you haven't been
seduced before," the horny older woman said, sipping her drink and
looking at the boy with blazing eyes.


"Of course, Joey! You know what the word means, don't you?"

I...guess...but... is that what you're gonna do?"

"Unless you have any serious objections, darling!"

"But... uh... what about... what about... I mean...
you're married and... " the boy stammered.

"Yes, darling, I'm married and I have two boys. And you know both of my
boys, don't you?"

"Gosh, yeah, Mrs. Banner, I know Thad and Randy. So how can you seduce

"Like this, lover," she said, putting her drink down and opening her

"Jesus Christ!" Joey gasped when the luscious woman parted the gauzy
pink material of her garment and exposed her naked tits for him.

"Do you like them, lover? Do you think my tits are pretty?" she asked in
a honeyed voice, lifting her naked tits, displaying them for him.

"God, yeah, Mrs. Banner! They're beautiful! But..."

"No buts, darling. If you like me, you can have me. It's as simple as

"Have you?"

"All of me, lover," Angela said, still lifting her naked tits for Joey's

"But what about Mr. Banner and Thad and Randy? What if they catch us?"

"Don't worry about that, Joey darling. They won't be back for hours.
We'll have plenty of time to have all sorts of fun together. Now sip
your drink, Joey. I'm sure it will make you relax. I realize that this
is all new to you, but I'm sure you'll get used to it quickly."

Joey sipped his drink and found that it was mostly alcohol. He felt the
warmth spreading through him and gulped it down quickly. His hand was
shaking so much that he almost dropped his glass. His cock was swelling
more and more all the time, making a bulge in his pants that he knew
Mrs. Banner could see. He shuffled his feet nervously, letting his hand
drop to his crotch in an effort to hide his embarrassment.

Angela let her glance fall to the boy's bulging crotch. She was thrilled
to find that her efforts were having the desired effect on the boy. She
could hardly wait to get her hands on the throbbing hard-on that she had
raised on him. She sat on the couch and crossed her long lithe legs. She
bounced her foot lightly, raising the transparent material of her
negligee inch by inch until she knew that he could see the down of her
naked cunt.

"Come sit beside me, Joey. I won't bite, although I might eat you," she
purred, patting the cushion next to her.

"I... I don't think I'd better," the boy rasped, his cock aching as it
throbbed against t he material of his jeans.

"Because you have a hard-on, darling? Don't be silly I know what I've
done to you. I've made your cock as hard as a rock. you don't need to
try hiding it, lover. Come sit beside me and try to relax. Don't be

Her cunt was itching with desire for the horny young kid.

Joey had to do what she told him. He was in her power completely now. He
walked stiff-legged over to the couch and sat down beside her. He tried
to leave some space between them, but as soon as he sat down she moved
closer. He felt her warm body against him, felt her warmth soak into his
leg and go straight to his balls.

"That's much better, Joey darling! Do you like sitting close to me?"

"Gosh, yeah, but I don't know what to do... " the nervous, turned-on
kid stammered, dropping his hands to his lap in an effort to hide his
bulging crotch from Mrs. Banner's gaze.

Joey could feel Mrs. Banner's eyes burning into his crotch. He wanted
desperately to look at her naked tits, silken legs, and the nest of her
exposed pussy, but he didn't dare.

"Have you ever been this close to a woman?" she asked softly.
Joey shook his head.

"Not even a young girl your own age?"

"Not like this!" he gasped.

"How do you mean that, lover?"

"Well, I mean... uh... you're almost naked!"

"And before long I'll be completely naked for you, lover!"

"Oh, wow! This is somethin' else!" the boy choked.

Angela brushed his hands away from his bulging crotch and ran her
fingers along the bulging crotch and ran her fingers along the bulge of
his hard cock from the head to the root. The boy's prick was even bigger
and longer than she had imagined. She knew now that she had made the
right choice for her little experiment in seduction. Just the thought of
taking such a long hard young cock in her cunt made her writhe with

"It's so big and hard! Did I do that to you, lover? You must be awfully
horny today! " she said, moving her hand over his swollen prick. "You
don't mind if I touch it, do you?" she asked when she felt his body jerk

"If you want to... " he said breathlessly.

"Does my hand feel good on your big hardcock?" she asked in a voice
dripping with lust.

"Yeah! Wow!" the boy gasped, closing his eyes as she moved her loving
hand up and down his cock.

"It's been so long since I've felt a hard cock. It's so hot and full of
power. I just love it! I wish my husband could get as big and hard as
you, Joey. I just know you can do the most wonderful things to me with
that beautiful prick."

Joey's balls were on fire now. Every stroke of her warm hand up and down
his cock made him harder and hornier. He thought his cock would tear a
hole in his pants at any minute. His balls were cramped in his pants, so
cramped that they were starting to hurt just a bit. He wished she would
open his pants and let his prick jerk out into the open, but he didn't
dare suggest such a thing.

Angela loved the way she had him squirming. She pressed the palm of her
hand against his hard cock, pressing it against his leg. She could feel
it jerking beneath the denim of his jeans. She pinched his thickly
swollen prick with her fingertips. She ran her hand down between his
legs and felt the swelling of his big cum-filled balls. She longed to
have those balls pumping her cunt full of hot jism.

"You're starting to drip already, lover. You must be awfully hot!" she
said, noticing a wet spot near the end of his cock where it was oozing
pre-cum. "How long has it been since you've jerked off, darling?" she
asked boldly.

"Gosh, you really wanna talk about that?" he asked in amazement.

There seemed to be nothing Mrs. Banner wouldn't say or do. Guys just
didn't talk to older women about stuff like jerking off. Just hearing
her say the words made his balls ache even more.

"Well, darling? Have you played with yourself recently?"

"A couple of days ago," Joey heard himself say.

"Your balls must be full of cum now, darling! Tell me, lover, when you
jerk off does your cum shoot a long long way?"

"Uh... yeah... I... I guess!"

"Wonderful! Then I'll be able to feel it shooting hard way up inside my

"Inside your... your cunt?"

"That's right, lover! You'll spray the inside of my cunt with hot cum!"

"You mean you want me to... to fuck you?" he rasped.

"What else, silly boy? You do want to fuck me, don't you?"

"Heck, yeah! But, I've never done it before!"

"You have to learn some time. And I'll just love teaching you! I'm sure
you'll learn fast. I want you to do all sorts of wonderful things to me,
lover. I want you to make me feel like a woman again. It's been so long
since I've been fucked!

"But, I'm just a kid!"

"You're young, Joey, but you're a man now. Age doesn't make any
difference, Joey. My husband Mike is grown. up, but he can't even get
hard any more. you can make me feel much better than he can."

"You really think so, Mrs. Banner?" Joey asked, feeling proud of
himself for being a man in her eyes.

Angela tugged down the boy's zipper and reached her warm hand into his
pants. He sat up straight, his muscles tense. No one had ever put a hand
in his pants before. The feeling of her fingers against his cock and
balls drove him wild. He felt her fingers moving against his swollen
balls and the hard root of his cock, teasing him, making him hot beyond

"I'm glad you're not wearing any underwear, darling; It makes your
wonderful cock and balls so much easier to get at. Do you like what I'm
doing to you, Joey? Do you like the way I'm making your cock feel?"
"Yeah! It's great!"

"Unfasten your pants, lover. Spread them open," she breathed, her mouth

Joey did as he was told, and did it eagerly. The more he got into the
act, the more he enjoyed it. He wondered now why he hadn't approached a
girl long ago. He sure had been missing a lot. And he somehow felt that
the fun was only beginning.

Angela ran her fingers through the growth of curly black hair between
her young stud's legs. When he spread his jeans open, she reached down
and hauled out his young balls. She tried to pull his jerking cock out
of his Levi's, but it was stuck too far down his pants leg.

Joey raised his body up a bit and pushed his pants down to his knees.
His prick snapped up against his stomach, splattering fluid over his
skin. Angela reached out and wrapped her delicate fingers around the
slippery shaft of his cock and squeezed tightly. She began gently moving
her fingers up and down his cockshaft. She smiled at him and got on her
knees between his legs.

Joey stared at Mrs. Banner's naked tits. He wanted to reach out and feel
them, but he thought he should wait until she told him to touch her. Her
tits were hard to resist, swelling and warm-looking with hard little
nipples that he couldn't help wanting to feel.

"Your cock is just beautiful! Do you mind if I kiss it?"

"K-kiss it? You really mean it, Mrs. Banner?"

"I really mean it, dear boy! I'm going to do more than kiss it, Joey.
I'm going to put it in my mouth and suck it. I'm going to make your cock
feel just wonderful inside my mouth." She bent Closer to the boy's
dripping cock.

Joey sucked in his breath when he felt her warm lips touch the naked
head of his swollen prick. No one had ever touched him there before, and
now the most beautiful woman he had ever seen was pressing her lips
against the head of his cock. It wasn't just a quick kiss either. Her
lips remained on his slippery cockhead, sucking at his turgid flesh.

"Delicious," Angela said, licking her lips. "I just have to taste the
cum that's oozing from your cock!"

With that, the seductive older woman flicked out her tongue and brought
the tip of it against the piss-slit of the boy's rigid cock. She ran her
thumb up the underside of his jerking cock, forcing another droplet of
crystal clear pre-cum to ooze from the tip of his prick. She eagerly
caught the droplet on the tip of her tongue and took it into her mouth,
tasting the saltiness of it and thirsting for more.

Angela opened her mouth and went down on the kid's hard cock. She
wrapped her warm wet lips around the knob of his prick and sucked hard,
running her practiced tongue around the underside of it, making his
balls ache with pleasure. She took him deeper into her mouth by the
second, sucking and licking his cock.

"Oh, wow! That feels great, Mrs. Banner! Keep doin' that! Don't stop,
Mrs. Banner! It feels so damn good!" the kid rasped, feeling her mouth
working against his naked prick.

Angela felt the bulging head of his cock filling her mouth. It was a
feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. She could imagine how much
better his cock would feel stretching the tight flesh of her seething
cunt. She began moving her head up and down on his big hard cock, taking
it all the way down her throat with each downward motion, letting it
almost pull from her lips on each upward movement.

Joey couldn't believe how good she was making him feel. He had heard
about guys getting blow jobs, but he had never imagined that anything
could feel that good. He didn't know how much longer he could stand it
without shooting a wad of hot cum into her mouth. He didn't think she
would want him to do that.

"I... I... I think you'd better stop, Mrs. Banner! I'm gonna...
uh... I'm gonna shoot the stuff!" he rasped.

Angela wrapped her finger around his balls and squeezed them tightly.
She let his cockhead pull from her lips with an audible slurping sound.
She squeezed his balls with one hand and his cock with the other,
looking into his glittering eyes.

"Tell me, Joey, when you jack off how many times can you make yourself
come?" she asked. "Don't be embarrassed about telling me, Joey. I really
need to know."

"Gosh! I can do it five or six times," he said.

"Wonderful! Then I'll suck you off and let you come in my mouth. You'll
have plenty of hot cum left to shoot into my cunt. I just know you'll
like shooting a wad down my throat. I'll like it too. I just love the
taste of cum! I love to feel it shooting against the back of my throat.
I love to feel it running down my throat. Your cum will be so thick and
so hot and sweet!"

The sex-starved woman plunged down on the horny boy's cock and began
sucking wildly at it. Every muscle in his body was tense now as he came
nearer and nearer to a ball-busting climax. He felt her lips pressing
against his naked cock-flesh, felt her teeth gently scraping against his
sensitive cockshaft as she bobbed her head up and down on him. She moved
her head faster and faster, taking his prick all the way down her throat
with each downward plunge.

Angela felt his cockhead banging against the back of her throat. The boy
couldn't help arching his back and thrusting up and down. She reached
under his ass and grabbed his hard young butt, squeezing and lifting it,
forcing his cock even deeper down her throat. The hot assed woman almost
choked on his swollen cock, but she enjoyed every minute of it.

Joey felt her throat grasping his impaled cock, felt her swallowing it.
Her long fingernails dug into the cheeks of his bucking ass as he fucked
her face. His balls bounced between his legs, swelling more and more
with hot cum. He knew that it wouldn't be long before his wad exploded
down her throat. He had always shot off in a handkerchief or on the
ground, but now he was going to pour his jism down a beautiful woman's
throat. Just the thought of it made the boy dizzy with excitement.

"Suck me, Mrs. Banner! Suck my cock!" Joey shouted.

His words seemed to make her suck his prick ever harder and bob her head
up and down even faster.

"I'm gonna shoot it! Are you sure it's all right?" he rasped.

Angela moaned deep in her throat and sucked harder than ever. She almost
drowned on his hot thick cum when his balls exploded and filled her
sucking throat with it.

Joey closed his eyes and almost saw stars when his wad shot through his
cock shaft. Spurt after spurt of it shot from his prick and into the
woman's eager mouth. - The boy thought he would never stop coming. It
was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was as if all the
tension in his body was suddenly discharged through his cock. Her tongue
still worked on his shooting prick and her lips still pressed the shaft
of it as he filled her with jism.

Angela opened her eyes and watched Joey's handsome young face when he
experienced his orgasm. She tried to imagine how he felt when he came in
the mouth of a woman for the first time. She tried to swallow all the
cum he shot into her mouth, but it was no use. The stuff trickled from
her lips and ran down over her chin, dripping onto his cockshaft and
saturating his young balls.

"Oh, Joey! Joey, darling! It was beautiful! Did you enjoy it, lover? Did
you like coming in my mouth?" she breathed, licking the cum off her
glistening lips.

"Jesus, yeah! It was great! Did you swallow my cum?" the kid asked,
still feeling the surge of pleasure that she had caused throughout his

"Yes, Joey. It tasted so good! It's been so long since I've tasted cum
in my mouth. Your cock is still hard, Joey. You're such a stud! I just
love you! We'll have so much fun together."

"Are we gonna do it again, Mrs. Banner?" the kid asked, feeling bold now
that he had experienced the wild pleasure that a woman like Mrs. Banner
could bring him.

"Come with me, Joey. Come up to my bedroom, stud. There are all sorts of
wonderful things we can do together. No, Joey, don't bother to bring
your clothes. You won't be needing them!" she said, laughing


Joey followed his sex instructor upstairs to her bedroom. He watched the
full curvy cheeks of her ass rising and falling as she glided up the
stairs. He almost fell over backwards when the lusty woman reached down
and raised her negligee all the way to her waist, letting him gaze at
her exposed asscheeks. As she climbed the stairs in front of him, the
horny kid could see the tuft of curly hair between her legs.

Angela felt lascivious beyond belief as she displayed her feminine
charms for the boy. She glanced behind her and watched the kid's stiff
prick bouncing in front of him as he climbed the stairs. She was
thrilled to know that she could keep him so interested in her, thrilled
that she could keep his cock as hard as a rock even after he had shot a
heavy wad of cum only minutes before. He was certainly an improvement
over her lifeless husband.

At the top of the stairs, Angela bent over and touched her toes, giving
Joey a view of her ass and the slit of her cunt that was impossible to
resist. He stepped up close behind her and stood motionless for a moment
or two. He wanted to reach out and feel the cheeks of her lewdly
exposed ass. but he was still not bold enough.

"Don't be afraid, Joey darling! Touch me if want," the lusty woman

Joey reached out and put his hand on Mrs. Banner's naked ass. Her flesh
was even smoother than he imagined. The warmth and softness of her
affected him powerfully. His hand moved over her naked asscheeks,
exploring every curve of her tempting butt. He dared to let his hand dip
between her legs and feel the tufted mound of her quivering cunt. The
warmth of her pussy drove him wild. She was as hot as hell between her
legs. He felt her dewy cuntlips against the palm of his hand as he ran
it between her legs.

"Oh, Joey! Your hand feels so good on my pussy! I'm so hot for you! Do
you feel how l am, lover? Do you feel how hot my cunt is?"

"Gosh, yeah!" the excited young man said in amazement.

"I'm just dripping for you. Do you feel how wet I am? Wouldn't you just
love to sink your big hard cock into my hot wet cunt?" she teased,
wiggling her naked ass, moving her seething pussy against the boy's hot

"Oh yeah! This is somethin' else! I wanna do it, Mrs. Banner. I wanna
fuck you. you really gonna let me?"

"Yes, lover! But you'll have to catch me first!" she giggled, breaking
into a run down the hall and leaving the boy standing there at the top
of the stairs, his hand wet with cunt juice and his cock dripping with

Joey ran after her, his young balls bouncing between his legs. Mrs.
Banner's laughter rang in his ears. He had never been so turned on in
his life. There seemed to be nothing she wouldn't do to excite him. He
followed her into her room and ran to the foot of her bed. She had
thrown off her negligee and jumped into bed. She was lying on her back
with her legs spread, letting him have a good long look at her naked,
open cunt.

Angela beckoned him and Joey jumped into bed with her. She wrapped her
silken arms around the boy and held him close. Her naked tits crushed up
against his strong young chest. Her stiff nipples brushed against his
skin, making them tingle. Angela's cunt seethed with lust as she held
the boy in a loving embrace. She felt his heart beating hard and fast.
She felt his stiff cock pressing against her thigh, poking at her. She
knew that he wanted desperately to sink his young prick into her sweet
cunt, but first she would show him a few of her secret treasures.

Angela told the boy to lie on his back. He did as he was told. She
planted a wet loving kiss on his lips, slipping her tongue into his
mouth. He responded in kind. It was a nervous sort of kiss, but Angela
was thrilled by it. She began kissing his throat and making a trail of
kisses down his chest to his hard young stomach all the way to the hair
on his groin. She tangled her fingers in his curly pubic hair and let
her tongue flick over the head of his tightly swollen cock.

"It's just delicious, lover. It's so hard and hot. I just love the way
your cock tastes. I could suck it all day," she said, opening her lips
and taking his prick into her mouth.

Angela sucked his cock until it seemed ready to explode. By the time she
was ready to stop sucking it, the boy was writhing in pleasure, moving
his legs and tossing his head to and fro. She let his cockhead pull from
her sucking lips and let it snap against his stomach. Her tongue moved
to the kid's swollen balls. She tickled his balls with the tip of her
tongue, pressing them, dividing them in their sac. She kissed the pouch
that held his young balls. She nibbled at his sensitive ball-sac,
tugging at his skin with her teeth. Then she opened her lips and sucked
his balls into her mouth one at a time.

"Mrs. Banner! I think I'm gonna shoot it again!" he rasped.

Angela let his balls pull from her mouth and planted a kiss on the
throbbing head of his cock. Then she straddled the boy's tense young
body and rubbed her juicy wet cunt against his chest. She knew that he
was ready to unload another wad of cum, but first she wanted to give him
a taste of her delicious pussy. She knew that she had the best-tasting
cunt in town. Joey was sure to love the taste and scent of her hot wet

The hot-assed older woman moved her cunt closer and closer to his face.
She was dripping with passion. The lips of her cunt were glistening with
juice, longing to be licked. She wanted desperately to feel his eager
young tongue working against the lips of her trembling cunt. It had been
much too long since she had felt the pleasure of a tongue lapping at her

Joey stared at her open cunt when she kneeled over his face. It was the
first time that he had ever had the opportunity to stare at that part of
a woman. Her cunt looked as hot as it had felt earlier when he had dared
to put his hand on it. The rubbery lips of her pussy seemed to tremble
visibly. The rosy gash of her cunt seemed to invite him to touch it.

"Can I touch you there?" the boy asked in a dry voice full of

"Yessssss!" she hissed. "Touch my fucking cunt! Put your fingers in me!
I want you to, lover! I'm so hot, so fucking hot! Touch me! Please!" she
cried in the heat of her lust.

Angela reached down between her legs and spread her cunt open for the
boy. When she felt his fingers touching her sensitive pussy flesh, she
almost fainted with pleasure. Her cunt twitched and tingled with delight
as Joey put his fingers between the spread lips of her naked pussy.

The horny kid inserted first one finger and then another and another
until his whole hand was buried in her cunt. He felt the flesh of her
pussy closing around his hand, felt her cunt squeezing his hand inside
her. He wondered how her cunt would feel squeezing the shaft of his
turgid cock.

"Move your fingers in and out, lover! Oh, darling! Yes! That's right!
Oh, God! It feels so good! Fuck me with your fingers, Joey! Yesssss!
Fuck my cunt! I love it!"

Mrs. Banner's cunt seemed to get juicier and juicier the more he ran his
fingers in and out of her. His fingers made wet slurping sounds as they
raced in and out of her pussy. He had to taste the juice that covered
his hand. He took his fingers out of her cunt and brought them to his

"Do you like the taste of my pussy juice, darling?" she asked in a deep
voice smoldering with lust.

Angela looked down and saw her young
stud licking his fingers. She knew that he was ready to eat her pussy,
and she was certainly ready to be eaten. She crouched over the boy's
eager young face and ever so slowly eased her cunt down toward his
mouth. She closed her glittering eyes and waited for the pure pleasure
the boy was about to bring her with his lips and tongue.

The scent of Angela's musky cunt was intoxicating to the boy. He inhaled
her heady feminine fragrance and it went straight to his head. When the
lips of her cunt were very close to his mouth he flicked his tongue over
them. He began lapping at her rosy pussy, running his tongue up and down
the juicy slit between her legs until she shivered with delight.

"Joey! Oh, my God! Lick me! Lick my fucking cunt! Make me hot! Make me
drip! Oh, darling boy! Put your tongue right up inside me! Suck my cunt!
I just love it!"

Joey ran his tongue all the way up her cunt, stiffening it and poking it
in and out of her. He felt her cunt sucking and tugging at his tongue as
if to suck it all the way up inside her. Her pussy juice ran freely and
he lapped it up thirstily. His cock jerked between his legs as hoe
sucked her cunt. He had never felt anything as wildly exciting in his
young life. He was actually licking a woman's pussy, a woman old enough
to be his mother.

"My clit Joey! Lick my clit! Lick me there!" Angela cried, pressing her
finger against the turgid little bud of hot flesh between her legs. "My
clit is tingling so! Lick it! Lick it, lover! Drive me wild!"

Joey did as he was told. He pressed the tip of his tongue against her
hot little clit and made her shiver with pleasure. Her body quaked
whenever he moved the tip of his tongue over her hot clit. He wrapped
his lips around the tiny bud and began sucking and gently nibbling at
it. She moaned with pleasure as he worked on her seething cunt with his
tongue and lips.

"Oh, lover! Joey, are you sure you haven't done this before? You make me
so hot! I want your cock now, darling! I want you to fuck me!" she

Joey was ready. his cock was as hard as a rock. He had wanted to shove
his prick in her pussy ever since she had exposed her cunt to him. Just
the thought of how her cunt would feel sucking at his cock made him ache
with horniness.

Angela moved down over his body and positioned herself over his cock.
She crouched over his cock and lowered herself onto it until her
seething wet cunt was pressing against his cockhead. She rubbed her
pussy against the length of his swollen prick, pressing it into her hot
slit, making it slick with her freely flowing cunt juice.

"Oh, shit! That's somethin' else, Mrs. Banner! I didn't know it would
feel like that! Jesus Christ!" the boy grunted, raising his ass off the
bed and thrusting against her creamy cunt.

"I want you inside me, lover! Fuck me! Crawl on top of me and ram your
cock into me!" she moaned, rolling over on her back and opening her long
lithe legs for him.

Joey mounted her and poked his cock against her cunt in a wild frenzy.

"Let me help you, lover!" she said, reaching down and guiding his
rock-hard prick into her pussy.

Angela closed her eyes and prepared for his entry into her long-unfucked
cunt. She didn't expect him to be gentle with her. She knew that he was
nervous and eager to get his cock into a woman for the first time. She
expected him to fuck her hard and fast, and that was exactly what she
wanted. She gasped when he rammed his distended prick into her all the
way to his balls in one rough thrust.

"Did I hurt you, Mrs. Banner?" Joey asked.

"No, darling, not really! I love it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Oh, Joey,
your cock is so long and hard! I can feel it way up inside me! Move it
in and out, lover! Fuck me! Fuck my goddamn cunt! Do it, stud! Fuck
meeeeee!" she cried.

Joey began fucking her wildly. He bucked his ass harder and harder,
making the bed bounce. His balls slapped against her hot damp crotch
each time he banged into her. Her tits shivered and shook as he pounded
her cunt. Her cunt clutched at his cock like a dozen hands squeezing him
tightly. It was a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"Take it, Mrs. Banner! Take my cock in there! Oh, fuck! This is great!"
the excited kid growled as he rammed in and out of the woman's clutching

"Fuck me! Fuck the piss out of me, stud! I need it! Oh, Joey, it's been
so long since I've had a cock up my cunt! You don't know what you're
doing to me, darling boy! Fuck met Fuck my cunt!" she moaned, grinding
her pussy against the kid's cock.

Joey felt his balls swelling more and more by the second. He felt the
tension building up between his legs. He knew that it wouldn't be long
before he shot a hot wad of cum all the way up the luscious woman's
sucking cunt. He felt her fingernails digging into his back as he fucked
her, raising welts on him as she scratched him like a cat in heat.
hot slit, making it slick with her freely flowing cunt juice.

"Oh, shit! That's somethin' else, Mrs. Banner! I didn't know it would
feel like that! Jesus Christ!" the boy grunted, raising his ass off the
bed and thrusting against her creamy cunt.

"I want you inside me, lover! Fuck me! crawl on top of me and ram your
cock into me!" she moaned, rolling over on her back and opening her long
lithe legs for him.

Joey mounted her and poked his cock against her cunt in a wild frenzy.

"Let me help you, lover!" she said, reaching down and guiding his
rock-hard prick into her pussy.

Angela closed her eyes and prepared for his entry into her long-unfucked
cunt. She didn't expect him to be gentle with her. She knew that he was
nervous and eager to get his cock into a woman for the first time. She
expected him to fuck her hard and fast, and that was exactly what she
wanted. She gasped when he rammed his distended prick into her all the
way to his balls in one rough thrust.

"Did I hurt you, Mrs. Banner?" Joey asked.

"No, darling, not really! I love it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Oh, Joey,
your cock is so long and hard! I can feel it way up inside me! Move it
in and out, lover! Fuck me! Fuck my goddamn cunt! Do it, stud! Fuck
meeeeee!" she cried.

Joey began fucking her wildly. He bucked his ass harder and harder,
making the bed bounce. His balls slapped against her hot damp crotch
each time he banged into her. Her tits shivered and shook as he pounded
her cunt. Her cunt clutched at his cock like a dozen hands squeezing him
tightly. It was a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"Take it, Mrs. Banner! Take my cock in there! Oh, fuck! This is great!"
the excited kid growled as he rammed in and out of the woman's clutching

"Fuck me! Fuck the piss out of me, stud! I need it! Oh, Joey, it's been
so long since I've had a cock up my cunt! You don't know what you're
doing to me, darling boy! Fuck met Fuck my cunt!" she moaned, grinding
her pussy against the kid's cock.

Joey felt his balls swelling more and more by the second. He felt the
tension building up between his legs. He knew that it wouldn't be long
before he shot a hot wad of cum all the way up the luscious woman's
sucking cunt. He felt her fingernails digging into his back as he fucked
her, raising welts on him as she scratched him like a cat in heat.

The sounds of hot fucking filled the air, moans of pleasure mingling
with the slurping sounds their flesh made as they banged together. Joey
was panting hard as he furiously fucked the luscious woman. Angela was
breathless as she experienced for the first time in years the pure
pleasure of a hot fuck.

"Oh, Jesus! I'm going to come, Joey! You're making me come, lover! Oh,
Joey Fuck me! In and out! Shoot me full of cum! Pump it into me! Empty
your balls into me! I'm coming, comminngg!" she screamed as her pussy

"I'm coming too! I'm gonna shoot it, Mrs. Banner! I'm gonna come in your
cunt! Take it! Take my jizz! Oh, wow!" the boy gasped.

Joey knew that he wasn't dreaming when his balls ballooned up between
his legs. His body jerked when surge after surge of pleasure shot
through him. He thought he would never stop coming. Mrs. Banner's cunt
seemed to suck at his cock until she had milked every last drop of cum
out of him.

Angela almost died when she felt the boy's hot jism spurting deep
inside, spraying against the walls of her cunt and filling her with it.
She quaked and shuddered as her orgasm tore through her like a tornado.
She felt her cunt clutching the kid's jerking cock, holding him in a
vise-like grip deep in her hot cunt. She felt his cum filling her pussy
and dripping down her thighs. It was the first real orgasm she had
experienced in more than a year, and she intended to experience more of
the same with her young stud.

"It was lovely, Joey. You made me come so beautifully. You learned so
fast!" she whispered in his ear as he lay panting on her.

"It sure felt great! Do you want me to take my cock out of you now, Mrs.
Banner?" he asked.

"Yes, lover. Take it out and let me suck it for you until it's good and
hard again. Then I'll let you fuck me another way," she said in a
honeyed voice.

"Another way? You mean it?" the kid asked excitedly.

"If you're up to it, Joey!"

"Hell, yeah! I'm up to it all right! I could go on doin' this all day!
This is great!" the boy beamed, pulling his cock out of her clutching
cunt and sitting cross-legged next to her on the bed.

"You're just the boy I need, Joey. You're so eager and virile. You're
just perfect!" she breathed, wrapping her wet lips around the slippery
head of his cock.

Angela sucked every last drop of cum from the boy's balls and licked the
shaft of his cock until he was hard again. She put her fingers in her
pussy and diddled herself while she sucked his prick into full erection.

"Why don't we go take a shower together, lover?" she suggested.

"Together, Mrs. Banner? Wow! That sounds like fun!"

"Oh, it will be, Joey! I'll let you lather up my pussy and I'll wash
your cock and balls for you. A shower will make us both very horny, I
promise you that," she said, slipping out of bed and leading him to the

Angela stepped into the shower with Joey and adjusted the spray until it
made her skin tingle just right. She rubbed the soap over her naked
tits, slickening them, making them glisten. Joey couldn't resist
reaching out and putting his hands on her naked tits. They were silky
and resilient in his warm hands. He filled the crevice between her
luscious tits with suds and then spread them all over her flesh. His
hands glided over her soapy tits. He ran his hands down over her sides
all the way to her silken thighs. She parted her legs and let him have
access to her steaming cunt.

Joey fell to his knees before the luscious woman and began rubbing the
bar of soap against her naked cunt. It wasn't long before her pussy
looked like a cream pie. Angela handed him a washcloth and the boy
seemed to know just what to do with it. When she spread her legs ever
farther, the boy held the cloth between his fingers and began sawing it
back and forth between the shivering lips of her cunt. He drove her
wild. Each time the cloth stroked the tingling bud of her clit, she
cried out in pure delight. When she could stand the maddening sensations
no longer, she fell to her knees before the boy and began soaping his
rigid cock and swollen balls.

The hot-assed woman wrapped her fingers around the kid's soapy cock and
began slowly jerking up and down on it. He leaned against the shower
wall, his body tense in every muscle. His prick filled her hand with
hard male meat. She had to have his young tireless cock in her cunt

"Fuck me, lover! Fuck me again!" she cried.

"Here? In the shower?" he asked in amazement.

"Yesssssss! Right now! I need your cock in my cunt again! I can't get
enough of you, lover! I can't get enough of your big thick prick! " she

Angela got on her knees, the water cascading over her naked body. She
reached between her kneeling legs and rubbed her naked pussy, inviting
the boy to fill her cunt with hot cock.

"Fuck me from behind. Joey! Get on Your knees and shove your cock into
me! I feel like a bitch in heat, darling, so fuck me like a dog! Fuck me
hard! Make me feel it!"

Joey got on his knees behind her and guided his jerking cock between the
open lips of her cunt. He shoved his prick home in one mighty plunge,
filling her cunt with hard, swollen cock. He felt her cuntlips sucking
at him, pulling him into her. It was almost as if hands were gently
massaged his cock inside her cunt. He began thrusting in and out of her
hard and fast. His big cum-filled balls slapped against her soapy cunt
and his hard stomach banged against her upturned ass.

"Oh, God! It's perfect! Fuck me, you wonderful young stud! You're a man
now, lover! Fuck me hard! Ream my cunt! Make my pussy shiver! Make me
come!" she moaned.

Joey ran his hands up and down her silky body as he fucked her. He
gasped when he felt her reach between his legs and grab his balls. She
squeezed his tender young balls and tugged at them while he fucked her.
She was squeezing him hard enough to cause him some pain, but the
pleasure was enough to make him disregard it. It didn't take long for
the boy to reach the peak of pleasure again. He had already shot his wad
twice, but Angela was such an expert at sexual stimulation that she made
him feel like he was about to shoot another wad at any minute.

"You're making me come again, Joey! Oh, darling! You're doing such
beautiful things to me! You're so much better at fucking than my
husband! Oh, Joeeeey!" she screamed as her cunt collapsed around his

Joey grunted and gasped when his body surged with the pure pleasure of
another ballbusting orgasm. He wrapped his strong arms around the woman
and grabbed her wet tits, squeezing them as he held her.

"Take my cum, Mrs. Banner! Take it in your cunt! Oh, fuck! I'm shootin'
it again!" the kid growled.

"Fill me with it! I want it in my cunt! Oh, yes! I can feel it spurt
inside me!" she cried, her body still surging with pleasure after her

The teenage boy and the cock-hungry older woman dried each other after
their wild fuck in the shower, each paying close attention to the
other's sexual organs. Angela knew that Joey could fuck her again and
make her come as wildly as before. She wrapped her fingers around the
kid's hardening cock and led him by the cock out of the bathroom and
down the hall to her bedroom. She was just about to suck his prick into
full erection again when she thought she heard something outside.

"Oh, no!" she gasped, running to the window and peeking out. "It's Mike
and the boys! They're pulling into the driveway!"

"But I thought you said they wouldn't be back for a long time," Joey
said nervously.

"It must be later than we thought. Time flies when you're having fun,

"What's gonna happen if they catch us? What's Mr. Banner gonna do?'

"We can't let that happen, Joey! Your clothes! Run down and get dressed!

Joey almost fell down the stairs in his rush to escape. Angela threw on
a robe and followed him down. She looked out the window and saw her
husband and her two sons coming up the walk.

"Out the back door, Joey! Hurry! They'll be here in a minute. Now
remember, darling, not a word about this anyone. This is our little
secret," she said, planting a warm kiss on the boy's lips.

"Can I come back?' he asked as he opened the back door.

"I'll call you, darling. I'm sure we'll have many more exciting
afternoons together, lover."


Angela's pussy was itching unbearably, itching with desire for a hot
fuck. Mike was lying next to her, fast asleep as usual and not in the
least bit interested in filling her cunt with his cock. She needed a big
hard prick in the worst way. It had been a week since she had seduced
Joey. Mike hadn't suspected a thing, although he had asked her why she
was smiling so much lately. The boys had noticed a change in their
mother's mood too, but no one had any idea that she had seduced the kid
down the street.

The hot fucking Joey had given her that afternoon had satisfied her for
a while, but now she was going wild with lust again. It seemed that her
experience with the boy had awakened desires in her that she hadn't
really known before. She dreamed about Joey and the wonderful things he
had done to her. She dreamed of taking his cock in her mouth and sucking
it until it grew big and hard. She dreamed of spreading her silky legs
for the kid and letting him sink his turgid prick into her hot cunt. She
dreamed of the wild surges of pleasure that would course through her
body as she came. For the past few days she had been able to think of
nothing but Joey. She hadn't been able to find a safe time to call the
boy over for another romp, and her eager pussy continued to smolder.

It was quite late and Angela was unable to sleep. She decided to slip
out of bed and go downstairs to watch the late show. It was better to be
bored by the boob tube than to lie in bed writhing in unfulfilled
passion next to a husband who could offer her no relief. She slipped on
a robe, slipped out of bed and glided silently down the hall to the
stairs. She passed Thad's room and suddenly had the strangest feeling.
Her pussy suddenly quivered and the nastiest thought passed through her

It suddenly occurred to her that behind that door was a young boy like
the one she had seduced earlier, a young boy who could satisfy her
perfectly, a young boy who could learn from her and, at the same time,
do the most wonderful things to her hungry cunt. Of course the boy
behind that door was her teenage son, but for some strange reason her
pussy continued to quiver anyway.

Angela was ashamed of herself. She had actually stopped outside Thad's
bedroom and was thinking lusty thoughts about him, about her own son.
She didn't dare feel sexual desire for her son. It was depraved and
taboo, and yet there she was, her pussy steaming as she thought about
seducing her son. Her experience with Joey had introduced her to a new
world of sexual pleasures. She had never felt as hot, never as
deliciously wicked as she had with Joey. There was something about
violating a taboo that made her dizzy with excitement, and nothing was
more taboo than an older woman having sex with a young boy, unless the
young boy happened to be her own flesh and blood.

Angela tried to stop herself, but once again she was losing her battle
with her conscience. She felt her hand rising to the doorknob, turning
it, pushing the door open. She had to slip into the boy's room. She
would try not to do anything that she shouldn't do, but she had to at
least look in on her son. She peeked in and saw that he was fast asleep.
His bedroom window was open and his bed was bathed in moonlight. She
silently stepped closer and stood over the sleeping young boy. He looked
even more innocent than usual lying there.

Angela tried to control herself, but it was impossible. She was too hot.
She reached out and gently touched Thad's forehead. Her fingers trailed
down over his cheek and brushed his lips. She couldn't help imagining
how her son's lips would feel pressing against the tingling bud of her
clit. Thad was wearing only his pajama bottoms. His sheet was drawn up
over his chest. She couldn't resist the temptation to uncover him. She
slowly drew his crisp white sheet down around his waist.

The hot-assed mother trembled with excitement as she uncovered her son's
sleeping body. She stood motionless for a moment or two, trying
desperately to fight the urge to touch him. She felt her hand moving to
his chest, felt her fingers gently moving over his soft skin from his
chest down to his stomach. She dared to bend over him and plant a loving
kiss on his lower stomach near the waistband of his pajamas. It wasn't
enough. She had to see the rest of his body.

It had been some time since Angela had seen her son naked. She wondered
how big his cock had grown, and her uncontrollable lust drove her to
satisfy her curiosity. She pulled Thad's sheet down to the foot of his
bed and carefully unfastened his pajamas. Her fingers trembled as she
unsnapped his pajamas. She stared between her son's legs as more and
more of his groin became visible. She spread his pajamas open, daring to
expose his cock to her lusty gaze.

Angela's cunt was on fire, and the fire grew hotter and hotter by the
second. She let her fingers run through the sparse growth of curly black
pubic hair between her son's legs. She tried desperately to draw her
hand away, but it was too late. She hoped she wouldn't awaken the boy.
How would she explain to him what she was doing to him if he awakened?
She knew how dangerous the situation was, but by now she was completely
out of control.

Angela sat on the edge of her son's bed and stared at the part of him
that she had exposed, stared as no woman dared stare at her own son. Her
fingers tingled as she ran them around in the hair between his legs. His
cock was resting against his leg. She was amazed that it had grown so
long and thick. He was only a teenager and already his prick was as
large as a man's. By the time he was grown up, she thought, his cock
would be huge, more than big enough to satisfy any woman. His cock was
already big enough to satisfy his mother.

The lusty mother wrapped her long silky fingers around the young boy's
sleeping cock and lifted it away from his leg. She felt the warmth of
his young cock soaking into her hand. Her belly fluttered and her cunt
twitched with excitement and fear as she held her son's prick in her

Angela was fascinated by Thad's youthful cock. She couldn't help wanting
to see Thad's cock grow hard in her hand. She couldn't help wanting to
feel it Jerking and throbbing against her loving fingers. She wanted to
up over his chest. She couldn't resist the temptation to uncover him. She
slowly drew his crisp white sheet down around his waist.

The hot-assed mother trembled with excitement as she uncovered her son's
sleeping body. She stood motionless for a moment or two, trying
desperately to fight the urge to touch him. She felt her hand moving to
his chest, felt her fingers gently moving over his soft skin from his
chest down to his stomach. She dared to bend over him and plant a loving
kiss on his lower stomach near the waistband of his pajamas. It wasn't
enough. She had to see the rest of his body.

It had been some time since Angela had seen her son naked. She wondered
how big his cock had grown, and her uncontrollable lust drove her to
satisfy her curiosity. She pulled Thad's sheet down to the foot of his
bed and carefully unfastened his pajamas. Her fingers trembled as she
unsnapped his pajamas. She stared between her son's legs as more and
more of his groin became visible. She spread his pajamas open, daring to
expose his cock to her lusty gaze.

Angela's cunt was on fire, and the fire grew hotter and hotter by the
second. She let her fingers run through the sparse growth of curly black
pubic hair between her son's legs. She tried desperately to draw her
hand away, but it was too late. She hoped she wouldn't awaken the boy.
How would she explain to him what she was doing to him if he awakened?
She knew how dangerous the situation was, but by now she was completely
out of control.

Angela sat on the edge of her son's bed and stared at the part of him
that she had exposed, stared as no woman dared stare at her own son. Her
fingers tingled as she ran them around in the hair between his legs. His
cock was resting against his leg. She was amazed that it had grown so
long and thick. He was only a teenager and already his prick was as
large as a man's. By the time he was grown up, she thought, his cock
would be huge, more than big enough to satisfy any woman. His cock was
already big enough to satisfy his mother.

The lusty mother wrapped her long silky fingers around the young boy's
sleeping cock and lifted it away from his leg. She felt the warmth of
his young cock soaking into her hand. Her belly fluttered and her cunt
twitched with excitement and fear as she held her son's prick in her

Angela was fascinated by Thad's youthful cock. She couldn't help wanting
to see Thad's cock grow hard in her hand. She couldn't help wanting to
feel it Jerking and throbbing against her loving fingers. She wanted to
watch it lengthen and fill with pounding blood. His cock would be so
much more useful to her than her husband's, so much more capable of
bringing the flashes of pleasure that she longed to feel in her blazing

Angela had to kiss Thad's delicious looking cock. She had to put her
lips where no mother was supposed to kiss her son. She held her breath
as she bent between the boy's legs and pressed her lips against the head
of his prick. She had intended to make the kiss a quick one, but the
warmth of his cock against her lips changed her mind. She opened her
lips and sucked the head of Thad's cock into her mouth.

The woman's heart raced as she ran her tongue around the soft head of
her child's cock. She sucked ever so gently, being careful not to scrape
his sensitive cockhead with her teeth. She dared not awaken the sleeping
boy. She glanced at his face as she gently sucked and tongued his cock,
watching for any sign that he might be stirring from sleep. She didn't
think he was waking up, but she knew that his cock was.

Angela felt the boy's prick grow bigger and fatter in her mouth. She was
giving him a hard-on in his sleep. She was actually making the boy's
cock stiffen, making her own boy's f cock harder and harder by the
second. She Almost fainted when she felt his cock growing until it
filled her mouth. She sucked harder, moving her tongue faster and faster
over and around his swelling cockhead.

Angela dared to reach her hand between Thad's smooth young legs and
fondle the boy's balls as she sucked and tongued his stiff prick. She
knew that Thad's balls were full of cum. She knew that a few minutes of
her expert sucking would make his balls hot beyond belief. She moved the
boy's cum-filled nuts around in their sac, dividing them with her
fingers, weighing them. She longed to feel them writhing as they pumped
out their load of hot cum. She wondered how long she could keep her son
in such an excited state without waking him.

The hot-assed mother slipped her free hand between her legs and began
stroking the quivering flesh of her naked cunt. She was already wet with
passion. Her fingers ran over the flesh of her cuntlips, making her
pussy juice flow freely. Her fingers slipped easily into her
well-lubricated cunt. She began jabbing her finger in and out of her
trembling cunthole. Her cunt clutched at her fingers clutched as if to
suck them deeper into her pussy. She wished that her fingers could be
replaced by the hard young cock of her sleeping young son. She wanted to
crouch on his prick and take it right up her cunt, but she didn't dare,
at least not yet.

Angela took her hand away from her son's cum-laden balls and let his
cock slip out of her sucking mouth. Her lips made a wet slurping sound
when the head of the boy's rock-hard cock pulled out of her
sucking-mouth. His prick was oozing crystal clear preseminal fluid,
slippery fluid which she smeared over the head of his cock with her
thumb. She wrapped her fingers around his rigid cock and began slowly
Jerking him off, squeezing his shaft and making droplets of slippery
pre-cum ooze from the head of his cock.

Angela thought she would faint when she saw the boy stirring in his bed.
She almost pulled her hand away from her cunt and unfastened her fingers
from around his cock, but something stopped her. The same urge that had
made her seduce Joey was about to make her seduce her son.

Thad had felt something happening between his legs even while he was
sleeping. He had had dreams before that drove him wild. He dreamed about
women sucking this cock spreading their legs for him many times, and he
had awakened in the morning with a big wet spot on his sheet where he
had shot his wad during the night. He had always wondered what his
mother thought about those wet spots when she did the laundry. He was
sure that he was about to shoot his wad again, but this time there was
something a bit different.

He opened his eyes and shook his head. He had to be dreaming. He looked
down and saw a hand, a real flesh-and-blood hand, working up and down on
his rock-hard cock. When he looked up and saw his mother's smiling face,
he almost pissed.

"Mom!" the boy gasped, staring wild-eyed.

The boy sat up in bed and stared in amazement. His gaze flashed from his
lovely mother's face to his cock and back again. He couldn't believe it.
His mother was actually sitting there beside him her hand moving up and
down on the biggest harden he had ever had in his young life. The smile
on her face was unlike any smile he had ever seen on his mother's face
before. It was the smile he had always imagined on the faces of the
lusty women and girls who fastened their lips around his cock and opened
their hot pussies for him. He was more confused than he had ever been

"Gosh, Mom, what... what are you doing?" the young kid asked in
amazement as he watched her play with his rampant hard-on.

"What do you think I'm doing, Thad darling?" Angela asked sweetly.

"I... I don't know, Mom! I guess you're jackin' me off!" Thad rasped.

"That's right, darling. That's exactly what I'm doing. Does it feel

"Uh... yeah, it feels great, Mom! But... uh... I don't get it.
You're my mom."

"Yes, I know, darling. Isn't it nasty? Your mother is squeezing your big
hard cock and making you all horny," the hot-assed woman said wickedly.

"But why, Mom?" the boy asked in a dry voice, feeling his b

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