Sex on the road side pt of my short stories

Sex on the road side pt of my short stories

We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and We’re on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off.
You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers; you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do.
I notice four men are walking past on their way somewhere and look at me standing there in front of you half naked. You start walking round me slowly looking at me from all angles as you unclip my bra and order me to stand still and to keep my arms at my sides so I can’t over myself as more men start stop to watch.
Standing behind me so they can get a clear view of my boobs as you pull my bra away, you lean closer and whispering in my ear

"Look at them all wanting what's mine" as you run your nose down my neck causing me to shiver.

You trace your tongue down past my ear and down my neck nibbling the curve between my neck and shoulder, one hand winds round my waist and up to cup my breasts as you tell me to look straight ahead at the men gathering and watching, My breathing comes in short fast pants as warm juices pool between my thighs. Your hands squeezing, pinching and tugging on my nipples.
My head leans back on your shoulder, a grin on your face as it becomes clear the men watching are starting to get excited too to just stand there at a distance and watch. They start coming into the field to get closer to me some of them clearly enjoy seeing me under your control. Their hands rubbing their cocks as they move closer, I want to cover my body but I hear you laughing and whisper

"Oh no you don't" as you take my hands and pull my hair loose of the band holding it back and use it to tie my hands together behind my back

“Take her panties off” we hear a strong American accent say

Smiling you lean over my neck, pressing your mouth to my ear. You hear that you ask, they want to see your naked pussy, we better give them the honour. You say bending to your knees and pulling my French knickers slowly over my hips and down my shaking legs. The men move closer as you pull my legs apart and slide your tongue up inside me, spreading my cheeks to get closer,

You hear me moan as you thrust your tongue into me, over and over again. The man with the American accent moves up to stand in front of me, his hand moving up to caress my breasts as your fingers slide into me, you’re kneeling behind me watching him paw at my naked body. Seeing you not complain the others start moving closer to touch and taste me. You stand back and watch as they kiss me all over, their hands caressing every inch of my body. I start moaning with pleasure as one moves behind me to take your place, tasting me between the legs; he starts running his tongue over my tight little hole as the American slides his fingers into my pussy. They stand up; taking my hands and making me caress their cocks through their jeans before exposing themselves and pushing me to my knees to suck them both. As I run my tongue over the Americans cock and stroke the other I see you from the corner of my eye leaning against the tree and wanking over the sight before you.

soon the man behind me lays beside me and pulls my thighs either side of his while the American kneels behind me, the man beneath me thrust hard and deep into my pussy while the other pushes his fingers deep inside my anal hole, standing up you walk over to a group of men just standing there watching and choose another to fill my mouth, you pull a young man who can’t be more than eighteen towards me and gesture for me to suck him. The man behind me pushes his cock into me as I unzip the young man’s jeans and take him all the way into the back of my throat. Feeling completely filled they start to thrust in and out of me; my breathing becomes shortened as my body starts to react to the pleasure I’m receiving from both holes. I start to moan around the cock in my mouth as the other two start thrusting hard and deep, knowing they don’t care about my pleasure just that they use me how they want. Soon I’m feeling their cum shoot inside me, by now the other men have moved forward to surround us and each one playing with their cocks, as the young man fills my mouth with his hot salty cum I feel warm liquid hitting my naked body from the other men’s wanking cocks.

As the crowd clears you walk up to me and take me by the hand, lifting me to my feet you walk me to the car, I try to take my clothes from your hand but you pull them from my reach and tell me I can have them back later. As we arrive back at your house you make walk to the door naked and tell me to make you a sandwich and lay on the kitchen table, you watch me moving around putting your snack together the cum from earlier drying on my body and between my thighs. As I finish I hand you the plate and lay on the table as you ask, putting the plate back on the side you pull a chair out and sit at my feet pushing my legs open and leaning over you tell me you enjoyed watching them men use me and fuck every one of my holes, and that we will be doing it much more often from now on before you lick your way through my pussy.

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