Siara, My first._(0)

Siara, My first._(0)

This is based on a true story the names and places have been changed, this is my first story hope you enjoy it.

A little info about myself, I am 5ft 11 weigh around 170 lbs I have dark brown hair and green eyes.
I had just started college, I had just broken off from my high school girl friend and was looking to score some chicks in college, but as luck would have turned out it was going to be the otherway around.

It was my first day in college and I was standing in front of my class waiting for the lecturer to come, I was looking for someone that I may know from High School or anyone to pass the time with. I saw two girls coming from the opposite end of the hall way both of them were very good looking and seem to already know each other even though it was the first day of college and everyone was new.

Well the lectures began and by the end of the day I found out that one of the prettier one’s name was Saira. By the looks of it she was in the wrong course as I was doing graduation in Business and she should have been in fashion or something. By the end of the week I found out that she was dating a senior in the college and had chosen the college due to this reason only. Somehow there was something intriguing about her that I wasn’t able to get my mind off her. Weeks passed and being classmates we used to greet each other in the hall ways and in the cafeteria if I were to pass by her.

It was time for the mid terms I was busy trying to get the relevant material from my class mates and there was this one topic in economics that no one had notes on, I was told Saira had notes on the topic and to contact her. This was kind of strange coz she did not look like someone that actually would study a lot. Anyways I had my opening to actually go and to talk to her. I asked her after a class for the notes and she told me that she will email me the notes and told me to text her my email address, which I promptly did.

Two days later while going through the notes I had a small doubt in it so I called her up and we started talking and it was as if something had clicked, we instantly hit it off that was the first time I spoke to her and we talked for 4 hours straight. In these 4 hours I had found out that her parents were doctors and very well respected in their respective fields and she wanted to do something for herself to be able to match upto their expectations. I had told her all about myself that my father had a small but growing business and I want to get a business degree and join my dad.

I didn’t speak to her for two days; I met her in the college and spoke to her for five minutes after the class. That week was our first internal so I called her up that night to discuss about the important topics that could come in the exam, and so forth that week I called her up every day before the exam to chat up about the progress of her studies and what are the important things that I should concentrate more upon. After our last exam, I felt the need to talk to her but didn’t know what to talk about as I didn’t have a topic to talk about and as she was already dating someone else I couldn’t even ask her out. While I was thinking about her my phone rang and it was her, she called me to check how my exam went and what was I going to do in the holidays and stuff.

Two days later, I received a text from her “I miss you”, though I missed her a lot too but did not know what to reply because I knew she was dating someone else so I didn’t reply to her text message, I knew I was falling for this girl and I knew that I would be the one that I will get hurt in the end. So I kept myself as far away from her as I could, a week passed by she had called thrice, I did not pick up the phone and would text her later that didn’t see your call and would call you later. One day when I was going back to my home from the college as I was approaching my car I saw her standing by my car waiting for me,

I casually said “hey was sup”, she snapped back at me “like you don’t know what’s up”

I said “I seriously don’t know what you are talking about”

She said “Then why are you ignoring me”,

I replied “I don’t know what you are talking about” but she persisted “don’t try to act cute with me, you haven’t been answering my calls or replying to my texts”

I finally said”Saira, to be honest I kinda like you but I don’t want to come between you and your boyfriend”

She started laughing and said “I broke up with Vic more than a month ago, I thought you already knew that”

I did not know what to say so I just kept looking at her, she finally broke the ice by “so you like me…huh” with a grin on her face. I was dumbstruck and didn’t know how to react so I seized the opportunity and said “so now that you already know that I like you would you like to go out with me on Saturday night”.

She said “well I was hoping you would say that, yes I would like to go out with you”

We made up plans to go out on Saturday; I couldn’t wait for the week to pass by as I was waiting for Saturday to come. Finally on Saturday, I had planned a perfect date for her, we went to a chick flick in the evening, as I had always heard her blabbering about how much she loved Chinese food, I took her to a nice Chinese restaurant and finally we went to a bar and had a couple of drinks. Exhausted we went home and just before leaving the car she gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I reached home and there was a text from her that “text me when you reach home”, so I did and as soon as I texted her she called me up and told me how much she enjoyed the date. This went on for a couple of weeks we would meet up at college daily and talk over the phone when at home, one night while talking the topic turned to making out, I told her that I had never touched a girls breast and won’t to know what it feels like to touch them, I told her that I won’t touch you until you wanted me to do so, as she had just come out of a serious relationship. She thanked me for understanding and being patient.

Next day after the college was over; I was supposed to drop her off to her place which wasn’t very far from the college as she couldn’t bring her car that day. While on the way we stopped to have some gelato. We were sitting in my car and eating the ice cream, once we were done I started the car to leave but

she said that “I don’t wanna go home right now, can we just sit and talk for a while”

I said “I don’t mind”

After fifteen twenty minutes she put her head on my shoulder while talking with her back towards me, I had a sudden urge to kiss her so I gave her a small peck on her lips. She used her hand and pulled my face towards her and our lips met she opened her mouth and that was the signal I was wating, our tongues met. We kept kissing and it was amazing she really knew how to kiss and it felt amazing kissing her.

30 seconds later she took my hand and placed it on her breast, she remembered our talk, this was the first time I was touching a girls breasts. I had dated girls before but I could never go past the first base.

I lightly squeezed her breasts and she moaned”ahhhhh” in my mouth, It felt heavenly I had no clue before that what a girls breast felt like and it was way better than what I had imagined it to be. I had come this far so I dared and put my hand inside her top into her Bra and found her nipple I rubbed it a bit and she moaned again, I rubbed it again and she moaned “ahhhhhh” again and I felt as if I had found a button to make her moan. It was really out of the world for me, we were going really hot and heavy and by this time I didn’t even know whose tongue was whose’s.

All this was really new to me, you know every guy watches porn in his teens, so did I but I always thought the noises the women make are fake. But the way she moaned made me crazy, it was beyond my imagination, I needed to relive myself by this stage but I was a little paranoid that if I was to take this further she might object and that might spoil everything.

Reluctantly, I broke the kiss and sat up, I looked into her eyes and saw something that I had never seen in anyone’s eye’s before, it was the want for me that I just can’t forget. I gave her a quick peck and told her that I was getting late and I had to hit the gym in an hour. I dropped her off to her place and went home.

That very night we were talking over the phone and I took the topic to sex, and we discussed what happened today. It was a little awkward at first but that day our little make out session had brought a new sense of comfort between us.

I asked her “have you ever touched yourself”

She did not respond for a moment and then quickly said “yes and you?”

I responded with a “yeah”

I asked her “have you ever had phone sex”

She said “no but I want to try that”

I said “do you wanna try it, right now”

She replied after a minute “yeah maybe”

Being inexperienced at phone sex myself, I started with “what are you wearing at the moment”

“top and shorts”

“remove your top”


“close your eyes and touch your breasts as if I was I was touching them”

What happened next wasn’t something that I had imagined; she let a low guttural moan escape her lips, I stopped saying anything

She said “baby keep going” that’s when I realized that I hadn’t spoken for a minute I was so mesmerized that I had forgotten to speak,so I said”baby rub your nipples for me” another moan elicited from her lips.

I said “baby open your shorts” a minute later I heard a little “hmmm” from her,

“baby touch yourself down there”

She let out a barely audible “Hmmmmmmmm”

She startled me by saying “baby are you touching yourself too”, well I needed no invitation as I was already touching myself.

I said “yeah baby, put a finger inside you as if I am entering you”

“yeah ok baby…….ahhh”

I said “baby finger yourself as if I m making love to you”

“yeaaaaahhhh, yeaaaaaahh, yes baby”

I was already very pent up from the afternoon session and what she said next just pushed me over the edge, she said “baby would you come inside me please, I really want to feel you coming inside me” that did it for me
I told her “I m cuming, I m cuming”

she kept saying “yeeesss yeeeesss , come in me”

After a minute we both settled down, I didn’t know if she came or not but I asked her, “sweetie did you enjoy it”she quickly said “yeah I did not know that it would be so amazing”

I said “if I could come over to your place you wouldn’t need to touch yourself”
“Neither would you have to” she replied.

We flirted a little or a while and she told me that our first lecture was in 6 hours and we needed to go to sleep, we wished each other good night. Just before putting down the phone she said “I love you”, I quickly said “I love you too”

I couldn’t sleep that night, I kept thinking about the “I love you”, I had said it as a reflex but I was actually fallen for her. My plan wasn’t to fall in love with the first girl I date, but this was happening I had no regret and I was actually happy.

I was thinking that I could have a future with this girl but life doesn’t work the way we plan it…..does it?
More to come if I receive a positive feedback.

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